Health tips for youngsters to stay fit during Corona

You can either practise some Natural Health Tips or workout at home using some basic equipment like skipping ropes, dumbbells, etc.

Tips to stay active at home during #COVID-19 outbreak

1. Walk up and down the stairs.
2. Do some stretching exercises.
3. Dance to music for few minutes.
4. Seek more ideas and resources online.

During this difficult time, it's important to continue looking after your physical and mental health. This will not only help you in the long-term, it will also help you fight COVID-19 if you get it.

First, eat a health and nutritious diet, which helps your immune system to function properly. Second, limit your alcohol consumption, and avoid sugary drinks. Third, don't smoke. Smoking can increase your risk of developing severe disease if you become infected with COVID-19. Fourth, exercise.

Keep to your regular routines as much as possible and maintain a daily schedule for yourself including sleeping, meals and activities. Stay socially connected. Speak to loved ones and people you trust every day or as much as possible, using the telephone, video-calls or messaging, through writing letters, etc. Use this time to share your feelings and to do common hobbies together. Be physically active every day. Reduce long periods of sitting and set up a daily routine that includes at least 30 minutes of exercise. Make sure to do activities that are safe and appropriate for your level of physical fitness as indicated by your health-care worker.You can use household chores as a way to keep physically active, follow an on-line class  or choose your favourite music and dance to that.

Some tips to reduce the risk of COVID-19:

Wash your hands frequently.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
Avoid eating raw meat and unnecessary contact with wild animals.
Thoroughly cook meat and eggs.
Avoid close contact with anyone with flu-like symptoms.
If you develop a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, seek medical care early.
Take particular precaution while travelling.

Stay safely connected

  • Reach out virtually. Allow your teen to stay connected to friends and loved ones during social distancing by phone, text, video chat, or social media. Remind them to check their privacy settings so they are not posting too much personal information online. Playing games online with friends can also be relaxing and enjoyable for your teen. But be sure to agree on screen time during school days.

  • Help others connect. Many teens have expertise in using technology and can teach parents or grandparents how to video chat or use social media. This is also an opportunity for them to bring you into their virtual world.


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