Art is my passion


 Passion of art” is the addiction and desire to create something out of imagination every now and then. One cant live without doing it, without creating something. This urge can be seen in artists , that cant live without art.

 Often the BEST way to find new art that you'll love is to keep up-to-date with the artists you already like. Many artists send out updates by email whenever they start work on a new series, or have a show, or have a special opportunity for their collectors.

Easy Ways To Know Your Art Is Good Enough 

You gain a collector

Client’s and customers come and go, but collectors are there to stay. A collector appreciates you for your work and vision, they love what you do. A collector will buy everything you have to offer, and tell their discriminating friends about you.

Friends and mere customers pick and choose what they like, their taste and desire is all about them. Collectors on the other hand care about what you are doing, they want to be a part of the unique vision you’re creating.

Once you find a collector, you know that your work has purpose and a story.

Each piece tells a story

Making unique art coming from a unique and unified theme isn’t quite enough. Many artists strive for and attain this only to be thrown into the depths of obscurity. What your work needs is to tell a compelling story as well.

A story has a central character, a conflict, and resolution. The main character wants something and is willing to overcome conflict to get it. That’s the simple part.

You become less uncertain of yourself

Once you stop asking, “Have I made it?” and instead consistently focus and producing more and better work, that’s probably the point where you have made it.

When this happens you’ll notice a new and bolder quality to your work. Maybe the best word for it is mature, but others will simply say it’s wonderful. It becomes a virtuous cycle that begets some of your best pieces.

" Life is the ultimate artistic masterpiece, and it's up to you, the creator, to make it as wildly dazzling as possible."

 All kinds of art can affect our mood in a positive way, making us feel happier, calmer, or even inspired to do something. Everywhere you go art is evident. Parks often use sculptures to add interest and to inform people. Posters on walls give information and motivation.Music plays on the radio to keep your energy levels up. Without even realizing it we find ourselves immersed in the power of art most of the time


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